Sunday, April 24, 2011

The End... for now

It's here. My last day of my journey. In a way it feels like I've been gone a lifetime but really it's only been 4 short months on life's long journey. It's been amazing. I have loved every single second of it and feel extremely lucky to have been able to go on this trip. Sadly, I caught the bug. It's not terminal, it completely curable, but it will be with me forever. This was the first, of what I hope to be, many excursions out in the world.

Now I've got a full day of sad goodbyes, taxis, and planes awaiting me. If all goes according to plan I will end up in Troy, NY around 9pm on the 26th. I'm just hoping the Easter Bunny thought I was a good enough girl this year and has some of Easter's delicious leftovers waiting for me in the fridge!

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